B: negotiations for inspection and control of weapons
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy from the quote above is talking about negotiations to inspect and control weapons that's why he called for formulation of serious and workable plans and proposals among countries to control and inspect weapons of destruction.
Studies show that damage to one’s body due to smoking is not permanent if the smoker stops soon enough
"1. a parable is a story
2. a parable is a comparison
3. a parable contains a crisis
4. a parable has an ending
5. a parable is a story about gots kingdom "
by the way where are the sentences????
This is a legitimate response to an open-ended query of Turkle.
Turkle hopes that by posing these questions, people would think carefully about the fact that many kids and adults would prefer to consult robots and computers about personal or intimate concerns than seek professional guidance from knowledgeable and experienced people who have dealt with situations comparable to their own and have the expertise and experience necessary to provide genuine aid.
Sherry Turkle questions why we would want to talk about love and loss with a machine that doesn't comprehend the course of human existence. Have we really lost faith in our ability to help one another, too?
Learn more about Turkle here:-