The right answer is " It shares the detail that the war lasted four years."
In the first paragraph of The Dark Game, the author makes a succinct, detailed account of the duration of the war, which was 4 years. He also reports in this paragraph how people did not expect the war to last so long and that they were surprised by the duration of the conflict, which brought so much pain and suffering to society.
He finally said, “What else should I wish for but eternal happiness, and that we two, as long as we live, may be healthy and have every day our daily bread; for the third wish, I do not know what to have.” The lord suggested that the man might want a new house. The poor man said that it would be nice to have that. The Lord left and the couple was soon surprised to see a brand new house where their old house once stood.
inaudible pulses of high-frequency sound were being transmit through a portal to my world. At that moment I knew we ran out of time and the plague was here. The plague is a fatal organization that are indifferent to human feelings, they are under the influence of a corrupted anatomy professor who will try his best to achieve world domination. I will have to be persistent and resume to defend the world. Maybe he can beat me financially but I know that he can't touch when it comes to mental capability and strength.
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