Why is it important to save some time to revise and edit your writing? You must complete all parts of the writing process. You w
ant to be sure there are absolutely no spelling errors. You want to organize your ideas so your can write your draft successfully. You want to make sure your ideas are connected and correct errors.
It's very important to save time to revise and edit your writing because, if you don't you're going to make major mistakes in your writing. If you don't re-read your writing piece you could miss major spelling mistakes, and errors. You would never want to publish or hand something in that has a lot of errors, because if you do you could get a bad grade or even get fired. You always should proofread to make sure people can understand your writing and make sure they can read it without difficulty.
first make sure your group of peers or people are known for being constructive . have everything organized so you guys can head right into the work . get everyone started and try your hardest to minimize talking and increase their work ethic .