The first event that brought Dr Martin Luther King was his 'I have a Dream' Speech. This allowed everyone to see how he was campaigning for Civil rights. His speech was held on 28th august 1963
World War I took the United States out of a recession into a 44-month economic boom. 30 Before the war, America had been a debtor nation. After the war, it became a lender, especially to Latin America. U.S. exports to Europe increased as those countries geared up for war.
Hiroshima was destroyed
An atomic bomb has major radiation effects, so people and buildings that did survive the bomb may not have survived the radiation following the bomb.
Both nationalism and imperialism, along with militarism, were very intertwined during this time, since nationalism created an "us vs. them" type of mentality that led countries to want to take over and occupy more territory.
asteroid 2001 FO32
The asteroid 2001 FO32 is hurtling through space at an unusually fast speed for a space rock, about 77,000 mph (124,0000 kph), and will pass by Earth at a safe range of 1.25 million miles (2 million kilometers), according to NASA. It won't come this close to Earth again until 2052.