By destroying his artwork before it was sold, Banksy played a prank on the artworld that mocked the price of art.
The Latin phrase "Janua sum pacis" roughly translates as (I am) the gate of peace.
This inscription can be found at the Christopher Columbus Cemetery in Havana, in South America. The Cemetery was opened in 1871, and the inscription is located on the main door to the Necropolis.
meaning of:
unique = uncommon
architect = person who design buildings
Family tree = a diagram showing the relationship between people in several generations of a family.
generation = age, time, dimensions
mild = soft
vanished = dissapper
The research had used 24 petri dishes which were identical from the beginning.
Unfortunately during application of the hand sanitizer to 18 of this dishes (6 for each type of sanitizer) but did not include opening of the other 6 petri dishes which should have provided this 24 dishes similar conditions as they were all exposed to the environment. On list the experiment would be more conclusive if the following conditions were applied
Sanitizer A - 6 petri opened and applied with sanitizer
Sanitizer B - 6 petri opened and applied with sanitizer
Sanitizer C - 6 petri opened and applied with sanitizer
No Sanitizer - 6 petri opened with no applied sanitizer