Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night is a masterful piece created during a time in which he saw the world as a unique display of solemn colors and shapes. The amount of space in the upper portion is filled with strokes of textures giving the painting a sense of movement. Van Gogh combines forms of reality with depictions of imaginary or fiction illustrations. He emphasizes the great quality of perspective from his point of view as a strong painter with a wildly creative mind. Vincent Van Gogh is undoubtedly a solid and unique artist which he managed to prove throughout all of his wonderful art pieces.
I hope this gives the right idea! Good Luck! (If you feel the need to make small adjustments that is fine) :)
the first person to draw a picture doesn't really have a name or a sophisticated language because a lot of painting was foundation in 700s
the music!!! and what the them is about
Rembrandt had an interest in uncovering condition of the human soul. His religious works did not depict angels and trumpets as other works do like that of Bernini and the like. His mature works, like T"he Return of the Prodigal Son, differs from the religious arts of Italy and Flanders in their inward-turning contemplation.