hacemos, sea, salen, quieres, recibes, conteste, de hecho, llames
- <u>1,000 m (rounded to one significant figure)</u>
The equation is:

- speed = <em>340m/s</em>
- time = <em>6 seconds</em> (the <em>sound</em> travels the distance back and forth)

Hence, the <em>distance</em> between the<em> ship </em>and the <em>cliff</em> is half the distance traveled by the sound:
If you round to one significant figure, because the time has just one significant figure, the answer is 1,000m.
La violencia de género es un problema creciente en nuestro tiempo. Nadie está tratando de detener la violencia en curso y eso es lo que se debe hacer.
Si entendí mal la pregunta, por favor dilo
Tampoco soy nativa en español, lo siento.
<u>Mi </u>papá es de México y <u>sus</u> hermanos viven en Texas.
Edit: I did not at first see that it was Spanish. It's very similar to French.
If it was French, this would be your answer: "Tu tenes una familia grande."
Tuner is an -er verb.
To conjugate Tener remove the -er and replace with the correct ending for the form of the verb you are using:
Singular. Plural
Je tene (-e) Nous tenons (-ons)
Tu tenes (-es) Vous tenez (-ez)
Il/Elle/Ont tene (-e) Ils/elles tenont(-ont)
Although verbs most likely are different in Spanish, I hope my answer still may have been helpful.