From his muddy outpost on the front line in North Iraq, Grim can see the black flag of the Islamic State snapping in the wind just 500 metres away.
The 52-year-old Boston native – who several months ago found his way to a peshmerga base south of Kirkuk – sits in a crude breeze-block shelter, surrounded by mud and dirt, gunfire crackling in the background.
The 12th amendment was adopted
The Declaration listed the colonists' thoughts about freedom and government and outlined the reasons why they thought the British were being unfair. Think of the Declaration of Independence as a letter to the British explaining that the colonies wanted to be 'free agents' and form their own team.
The events that set the stage were mainly events of unfairness that were present in the Church at that moment, as it had been for years. His superior, Albert, archbishop of Mainz, struggled to pay a large sum for the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Albert received permission to do special plenary indulgence such as remission from the temporal punishment of sin. Martin Luther, indignant from such wrote to Albert complaining about such a sale. He enclosed <span>with the letter his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences", which later became the </span>Ninety-five Theses that were so widely spread. I one of those theses, he asks why couldn't the Pope, so wealthy as it was, pay for the rebuilding instead of asking such sacrifices from the poor and needy<span> believers.
Later he went on to criticise much more, always with his emphasis on the centrality of all powers in the Pope. Later he was excommunicated. </span>