I will file a complaint and 'serve' a copy of the complaint to the defendant.
In order to initiate a civil lawsuit in a federal court or in a state court involves the following process.
First, FILING OF COMPLAINTS; the plaintiff files a complaint with the court and “serves” a copy of the complaint on the defendant.
The plaintiff may seek money to compensate for the damages, or may ask the court to order the defendant to stop the conduct that is causing the harm.
Second, THE CASE PREPARATION; litigants must provide information to each other about the case, such as the identity of witnesses and copies of any documents related to the case.
And the trial process.
It is the duty of Congress to have hearings in order to confirm a Supreme Court Justice nominee (as stated in the Constitution). This exclusive power rests on the U.S. Senate. The consensus, however, may be different and may vote against a nominee. Political parties within the Senate generally get in the way of who will vote and who won't, and vice-versa.
For example, Merrick Garland (former President Obama's nominee) was not given a hearing. Furthermore, Congress failed to perform the duties to have a hearing and decide whether to vote or deny a nominee. This is an example of how they refused to even vote on him. This is not the way government should operate.
It depends on where you are.
in some states and countrys the answer is yes, you can transport a pet in the back of an open pickup truck. Others will say no, you can not. For many good reasons.
Answer: This entry focuses on the three major sociological theories of crime and delinquency: strain, social learning, and control theories. It then briefly describes several other important theories of crime, most of which represent elaborations of these three theories. I hope this helps.