The surrounding ocean water loses heat
- When the water gets heated or cooled the formation of freezing of ice in the oceans and the expansion of the water molecules associated with the supercooling and release of heat and pressure is an exothermic process as the liquid changes to a solid object.
- As the same amount of the energy required to melt the solid object, hence its also called as the sensible heat of oceanic freezing water as it has to expand to freeze reaching temperature to minus degrees.
- This phenomenon from a part of various matter of energy.
There are 109-women 135-man
It means that the government, instead of free market, determines what is sold and how much it costs.
The physical map shows the landforms and bodies of water in specific areas on Earth's surface, the political map hows features humans have created such as the boundaries between states, provinces, territories, and countries. The topographic map shows land elevations. However all of them represent Earth's surface on different way.