The color is considered dark if the rock appears as a dark gray to black (pyroxenes, the amphibole Hornblende, the mostly Ca-plagioclases near Anorthite, and Biotite mica. Density is a property that is proportional to the composition of the rock. The higher the amount of silica (felsic) the less dense the rock will be.
Hope this helped :)
the water level of a stream or river exceeds its natural banks, it has reached
its flood stage. This is a real panic stage for people living nearby the rivers
and streams that has overflowed its natural banks. This flood situation can
destroy any city or village and also drastically impact the financial situation
of the area. Most cities and states move their citizens away from the river
banks before it reaches this danger stage. Before the emergence of
technological advancement, historical evidence proves that many great cities
were destroyed due to such situations. <span /></span>
7 base
5 height
6 composite figure
(I hope this helps)
Subdivision will occur regardless we allow public land grazing,as the value of private lands increases it will be sold