elena es guapa
las muchachas son guapas
juan es guapo
juan y paco son guapos
elena y susana son guapas
nosotros somos guapos
Phrase 1) words need capitalization
Phrase 2) word needs accent
Phrase 3) mispelled word
Phrase 4) mispelled word
Phrase 1) Names of towns, countries, states always start in capital letters: Perú
Phrase 2: México needs accent
Phrase 3: años it should go for years
Phrase 4: eres takes one R
The correct answer is not A. Im sorry to say this but the correct answer is B. por la puerta de embarque (which will by by the gate). If you use the A option there would be a grammatical mistake putting the word "por" before something that makes no sense. Im a native spanish speaker and a teacher so believe the better way to say is por la puerta de embarque
Estbamos because you guys were in the beach.
Hope I have helped.