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1.For each of the following, give the name of an element from Period 4 (potassium to krypton), which matches the description.
Elements may be used once, more than once or not all.. Single line text.
(1 Point)
an element that reacts with water to produce a lilac flame
2.For each of the following, give the name of an element from Period 4 (potassium to krypton), which matches the description.
Elements may be used once, more than once or not all.. Single line text.
(1 Point)
an element used as an inert atmosphere
3.For each of the following, give the name of an element from Period 4 (potassium to krypton), which matches the description.
Elements may be used once, more than once or not all.. Single line text.
(1 Point)
an element that has a valency of 3
4.Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between potassium and water. (Non-anonymous question). .
(1 Point)
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5.For each of the following, give the name of an element from Period 4 (potassium to krypton), which matches the description.
Elements may be used once, more than once or not all.. Single line text.
(1 Point)
an element with a fixed valency of 2 that not is not in group 2
const MAXNR=150;
let candidates = {};
for(let i=2; i<=MAXNR; i++) {
candidates[i] = true;
for(let p=2; p <= MAXNR; p++) {
if (candidates[p]) {
process.stdout.write(`${p} `);
// Now flag all multiples of p as false
while(p*i <= MAXNR) {
candidates[p*i] = false;