Mutual Fund
A mutual fund is a moderate type of investment since it involves a modest risk to seek higher long term returns.
C) Great Britain
The Treaty of Paris of 1763 resulted in France forfeiting most of their north american land. They gave all their land to the east of the Mississippi river over to British rule within the British colonies.
The four principles on the Consitution is Founded
*Checks and Balances
-Each branch of government has the power to limit the actions of the other two.
*Separation of Powers
-The government's power is divided among three branches: legislative, The Executive, and The Judicial Branches
*Limited Government
-The government has only the powers that the Constitution gives it.
*Popular Sovereignty
-The people are the only source of government's power.
How does the Consitution incorporate these principles into a plan for government?
*Checks and Balances: No one branch can become so powerful in a democracy as to destroy this system.
*Separation of Powers:Prevents abuse of power and safeguards our freedom.
*Limited Government: These laws create boundaries beyond which the government is not allowed to go and powers delegated to it are the only powers it has.
*Popular Sovereignty:Allows us to elect who we want to represent us.
The person who claimed to receive religious inside directly from God was Annie Hutchinson.
The sepoy revolt/mutiny failed because rebel sepoys had simply declared a Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah II as the Emperor of India and the symbol of the revolt. Besides this fact though, there were multiple leaders at different storm centres of the revolt and each one of them were all fighting against the British for their own reasons and not one single cause.