Essay below.
Over the years the world has evolved by leaps and bounds, to the point that such advances have brought different types of pollution to the planet. Light pollution is one of them, and can be defined as the introduction of artificial light from artificial sources at night, in unnecessary intensities, directions and schedules, which are involved in the health of ecosystems; as well as in any natural state. This not only wastes money in cities, but also energy, while deteriorating the habitat of both nocturnal and migratory animals.
One of the consequences of light pollution that is one of the most important is that the amount of celestial objects that increase the illumination of the sky by itself is reduced up to 90%. Likewise; Observation visibility is limited by professional telescopes, since light blue is needed to appreciate. These consequences are not limited to the environment of the place where the pollution occurs, but the light is diffused through the atmosphere and its effect is felt up to hundreds of kilometers from its origin. In addition, light pollution can cause pests and persistent changes in the environment.
Light pollution is changing the cycle of some fish, dramatically affecting their feeding behaviour. Despite different changes in different species, overall was found that more animals were getting eaten.
In other hand, in fields where there were no lights, 60% less night pollinators were found in illuminated flowers. There were also 30 percent fewer species, which suggests that light pollution also decreases the diversity of pollinators. Lights can also affect insect reproduction, for example, by distracting male moths from the pheromones emitted by females. Predators have been shown to adjust their feeding habits to forage around lights, an added threat to nocturnal insects.
The actions to be carried out to reduce light pollution are usually associated with improvements in the quality of ambient lighting. It is possible to apply measures that would prevent the problem of light pollution such as the following:
Prevent the light from being emitted above the horizontal and direct it only where it is necessary.
- Use lamps with low pollution spectrum and high energy efficiency.
- Illuminate exclusively those areas that need it.
- Regulate the shutdown of ornamental, monumental and advertising lighting.
- Prohibit light or laser cannons and any projector that sends light to the sky.
- Reduce consumption in hours of less activity, through the use of flow reducers in the public network or the selective shutdown of luminaires. Turn off luminaires that are not necessary.
Educating and making known all the solutions that are available for the care of the environment and the sky give greater economic, ambiental and astronomical benefits; since it will be then when more stars begin to appear in the sky for the enjoyment of all who live on earth and also in turn the regulation of the cycles of animals and the ecosystem itself, giving the environment a balance; for future generations.