When odysseus first wakes up in ithaca, he thinks that the phaecians fooled him, placed him on the wrong island, and stole some of his treasure. he curses them because of this. odysseus believed he was placed on the wrong island because athena made ithaca look different so he wouldn't recognize it.
In the story, a few things can be changed.
Bart was 16 years old when he moved to New Jersey. He was not happy because there were few kids of his age in the new neighborhood. During the winter, he watched his elderly neighbor, Mr. Jones, and helped him to remove snow from the sidewalk. Later, he would go back to play video games. In the summer, Bart wanted to go swimming in Mr. Jones’s pool but he was afraid to ask.
In the text, there are a few changes. Bart helped Mr. Johnes to remove snow from the sidewalk. Due to the first version of he did not just watch, he helped the neighbor. After helping he played video games. Interventions in the text made Bart more sensitive and helpful.
To add strength to the argument that denying women the right to vote is unjust
The student would justify that "indigenous” means "originating in a particular region” by inferring the root word "gen" which means "birth," and the suffix "-ous" implies "possessing the quality of something."
<h3>What is Indigenous?</h3>
Indigenous may be defined as a process of occurring in a particular location with respect to some traits or appearances. It is also referred to as native.
The origin of the word, the meaning of the root word along with good command of the concept of prefix and suffix make the students learn and understand the basis of vocabulary in an easy and efficient way.
Therefore, it is well described above.
To learn more about Suffixes, refer to the link: