1) Starr Carter told the reported that Khalil never cussed or made threats on One-Fifteen's life, 2) that Khalil never said "i'm gonna sho' your a**", and 3) he never had a gun, it was just a hairbrush.
and succchhh a good book and movie. just sayin' :)
Well if you need help on any article, just tell me.
Hi !
a- energy / special / helicopter / <u>en</u><u>vi</u><u>ronment</u>
the answer is environment
b- <u>fan</u><u>tas</u><u>tic</u> / natural / envelope / telephone
the answer is fantastic
the correct answers are <u>en</u><u>vi</u><u>ronment </u>for list A and <u>fan</u><u>tas</u><u>tic</u> for list B
hope this helps :)
It's really important to know your audience when you start writing something. For example, if you want to write a dystopian novel, usually teens and young adults read such books, so you want to modify your novel and theme a bit to better suit their interest and understanding. You need to decide on which group of readers you want to write for so that you can adjust themes, motifs, characters, etc.
A paragraph begins further in from the margin.