<span>At the PEAK of slavery in 1860, only 1.4% of Americans owned slaves. What your history books (don't) tell you is that 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000.</span>
Whether to remain in town and risk catching the disease
Answer: Option C
- Daniel Defoe was the author of “A journal of the Plague Year”. The plague was so devastating that killed so many. People believed that it was a curse from God.
- The narrator stayed inside London noting down all the happenings during the plague.
- Geraldine Brooks was the author of the novel “Year of Wonders book “. This book writes about a house maid, Anna Frith and her life incidents through the year of plague.
- The common point between these two books was if it was important to remain in town and catch the deadly plague.
Although market day ultimately benefitted all of the early colonies, it was most directly beneficial to the northern colonies, since these were more industrial as
How did Chapter,Proprietary,Royal types of Colonies different?
- Charter- Governor and Legislature Elected by Colonists
- Proprietary- Proprietor selected the governor and upper house, Colonists Elected the Lower House.
- Royal- Directly Ruled by Britain.
Mid 1900s
It was black and white at first