Because she wrote it very well
Here are a few practical ways by which the media could be made accountable for the manner they report news include: Sharing precise news with the public without taking bribes from the officials for printing wrong reports. Every news that is crafted by the media would be available for the public.
Because there is no viable evidence that says other wise. We as humans have only been able to explore about 4% of the universe which means theres still a whole lot that we dont know. If we are able to breath and live on this world whats to say that their arent any living breathing creatures on any other world that we have yet to identife. A good scientist doent cross out any possible outcomes without all of the facts, and the fact is that we dont know enough knowledge to make those accusations.
Since ethos is usually factual info ( like history ) to persuade the reader, then the answer should be D. With 100 years of experience our company is an expert in providing the perfect food for your pet.
Hope this helps, if not, comment below please!!!!
That Buck,learns the club of fang,like he witness Carly died by falling or slipping,then the husky go for the kill,and by the club he learned that the man with a club is the master of Buck when he striked Buck repeatly to make him the humans master him.