<h2>Right answer: Eloísa Díaz Insunza</h2>
Eloísa Díaz Insunza, born in 1866, was the first female medicine student at the University of Chile and was the first woman doctor in Chile and South America.
In 1880 she applied to the School of Medicine of the University of Chile, after the promulgation of a precursor law of the Minister of Education Miguel Luis Amunátegui Aldunate in 1877, which allowed women to study in the university.
She graduated on December 27th, 1886 and received her professional degree on January 3rd of the following year.
The other options are incorrect because, although they also were chilean do not match with the context:
Antonia Tarragó was a feminist teacher and activist best known for her work in favor of women's rights to education in Chile (along with Isabel Le Brun) during the second half of the 19th century.
Isabel Le Brun was a Chilean educator who brought education to women in her country.
Matilde Throup was a Chilean lawyer, known for being the first woman in her country to receive a law degree.
Dr sabato teleported jake and summer to his classroom
1- Lo que necesita el país es mas seguridad
2- Lo mejor de mi banco es la atención al cliente
3- Es impresionante lo rápido que ha sido el desarrollo financiero del país.
4- Lo único interesante de este proyecto es el presupuesto.
5- Es importante saber lo que tienes en la cuenta corriente.
6- Lo más peligroso en la bolsa de valores es la caída de precios.