I would be willing to sacrifice my life in a heartbeat for all of my friends and family. I like to think life so far made cold hearted but I am just raw from the pain and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I choose myself over someone I knew and loved. Heck, even a stranger would take me further into the guilt rabbit hole, they have family and friends who love them also. should be willing to make to have freedom that's what sacrifices I would make.
Answer: A, B and C
Peter Waldo between 1170 to 1780 commissioned a cleric from Lyon to translate the new testament to French vernacular.
John Wycliff translated the bible to English vernacular in 1382
Martin Luther translated the bible to German and it was first printed in 1534
The religious differences among Quakers, Catholics, Jews, Baptists, and other religious groups slowed the growth of public education in the Middle Colonies.