Hello! im learning japanese what i've been doing is writing it down in a note book for example: word, word in different language, word written in different language.
hope this helps:)
Kk you can get a chance to get a hold with me on the other handles that I can help for my
Comparing and contrasting means to show the differences and similarities of two things. Afterward then you can show which one is better and or worse.
Question #1 Answer: T<span><span>o examine a question that has
more than one side.
</span>You cannot ask your audience to take action
because you haven't taken a firm stance on a subject. You can't take a firm
stance on the subject without having evidence to defend your position. And you
can't defend your position without first stating both sides of an argument. Thus,
the answer is Choice B.</span><span>
</span>Question #2 Answer: <span><span>An argumentative essay does
not use emotions.
An argumentative essay relies on Logos and Pathos; persuasion and logic, not
ethos which is emotions. You would use Ethos and Pathos in a persuasive argument
rather than an argumentative essay.
Question #3 Answer: </span><span>A statement that takes a clear stand on an issue.
A claim states your stance on a subject with conciseness.
Question #4 Answer: </span><span>An argument uses logic to show your stand on an issue is the
best choice.
As I explained before, argumentative essay chiefly relies on Logos (logic). </span>
</span>Question #5 Answer: <span><span>Television watching should be
limited because it has negative influences on teens.
The first choice uses the phrase, "I think." That is a big No-no. Also,
it uses hasty generalization and states that everyone thinks that television is
bad for teens. Choice 2 is incorrect. It does not state the authors stance on
the subject, it only states </span>something someone else should
accomplish. Choice 4 does not state a direct claim. It seems more like
clickbait. It states that there are reasons why teen television viewing should
be limited, however, it does not state the claim incisively. </span>