If it is the one that says
Edith: Outspoken
then the answer is
Otto: Peaceful
The only internal one I ever learned was character versus self.
The others are external:
Character versus fate
Character versus nature
Character versus character
Character versus society
Colons are not used to introduce lists.
Colons denote "that is to say" or
"here's what I mean."
They make sentences’ first parts not important
rather the sentence’s second part contains the important information.
Here are
some of the rules you could use for colons:
*Colons are uses upon introducing items.
*Do not use capital letters after a colon except if
it’s a proper noun.
*Do not use colons after a verb or preposition.
*For independent clauses, especially when the second
sentence explains the paragraph’s meaning, the use of colon is preferred.
*After a colon: capitalize the first letter of the
first word if it is a complete quotation.
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when is it due? and what is your topic?
Answer: One of the great monuments to the Greensboro Sit-In is at the ... and the four North Carolina A&T students were comfortable in their ... The last person to approach the Greensboro Four on that first day was an ... up support to continue and expand their demonstration and as word spread it started to swell.
In the late afternoon of Monday, February 1, 1960, four young black men entered the F. W. Woolworth store in Greensboro, North Carolina. The weather had been warm recently but had dropped back into the mid-50s, and the four North Carolina A&T students were comfortable in their coats and ties in the cool brisk air as they stepped across the threshold of the department store. Like many times before, Joseph McNeil, Franklin McCain, David Richmond and Jibreel Khazan browsed the store’s offerings and stepped to the cashier to buy the everyday things they needed—toothpaste, a notebook, a hairbrush. Five and dime stores like Woolworth's had just about everything and everyone shopped there, so in many ways this trip was not unique. They stuffed the receipts into their jacket pockets, and with racing hearts turned to their purpose.