Gender schema encourages stereotyping due to the teachings of the customs/traditions of the cultures they’re brought up in. for example, some cultures like in the middle-east teach children that women should stay in the house, cook, clean & be modest, whereas other cultures such as switzerland, denmark, and sweden teach children that women have the same rights as men and can live the lifestyle she wishes to live. this encourages stereotyping as some cultures stereotype a persons gender and automatically give them “roles” due to their gender.
The answer should be limited government
When one neuron communicates with another a <em>synapse</em> passes the <em>signals</em> betwen them.
Hope this helps!
Gubernatorial level
I did like to be the governor in a subatate level, governing a state under a federalist system. Why? This brings me much closer to the people and enables make impact more easily and quickly on a few people. Governor's are closer to the people than government officials at the federal level. As a result they can make changes (also with some degree of Independenc) to the system in their jurisdiction in favor of their people.