The way that these issues influenced exploration and colonization in North America was that their exploration was fueled by the desire to obtain more wealth, ,more power(politics), and to spread their religion.
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The transportation of goods and people following freely across borders, and the use of the euro.
Answer: Zone of proximal development
Explanation: The zone of proximal development could be explained as the difference between the period when a child begins to develop signs of independence, that is ability to perform task without adult tutelage or guidance and the period of child dependence, that is when a child can only perform task only with the help or assistance of an adult.
As the child starts to demonstrate signs of independence or capability, that us showing signs of having acquired enough and ripe to do things on his/her own, adult assistance is being withdrawn so the child could have more liberty. This shows adults' direct involvement in the children's zone of proximal development.
Un tipo de glóbulo blanco llamado linfocito reconoce el antígeno como extraño y produce anticuerpos que son específicos para ese antígeno. ... Los glóbulos blancos también pueden producir sustancias químicas llamadas antitoxinas que destruyen las toxinas (venenos) que producen algunas bacterias cuando han invadido el cuerpo.
The unenumerated rights are protected under the 9th amendment.
Unenumerated rights are legal rights that inferred from other legal rights, such as voting rights
sometimes, these rights also referred as : implied rights, natural rights, and fundamental rights