<span>Congress approved $50 million that McKinley requested to prepare for war after C. the Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor.
Although it was unclear at the time what caused the explosion, the American immediately blamed Span after the Spanish minister to the US called President McKinley a weak leader. As a result, the President set aside a large sum of money in order to prepare for war with Spain.
The correct answer is B) They would become communist or form alliances with the Soviet Union.
After World War II and up until the 1980's, the US federal government adopted a policy of containment. This policy revolved around stopping the spread of communism all over the world. The reason the US developed this policy was because they were worried about the Soviet Union having more power/influence than the United States. When these nations became independent, America would try to ensure that they stayed free from communist influences.
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The French army helped America corner the British by making a blockade and preventing any escape by water whilst the Americans attacked and sealed off any escape by land.
Little percent of Americans have a positive image of Mexico. Many see Mexico as an economic drain.. It's still for a few a safe place to travel and an economic way. Illegal immigration is increasing. Though some of these perceptions don't face reality. Since 2009 migration flows from Mexico(more people leaving than coming). Mexico has undergone over the last few decades.