None of these.
Explanation: The plants like cycads and ginkgos have swimming sperms. they need water to complete their life cycle.
There are many adaptations seen in the plants like liveworts, ferns and mosses in which they require water to complete its life cycle. This adaptation is not only restricted upto cyptograms. This can also be seen in the plants like ginkgos and cycads. Their sperms are very strange.
Speciation was allopatric or peripatric, but would depend on the number of individuals that dispersed from the original populations.
- There are two types of speciation: allopatric and peripatric.
- Allopatric speciation occurs when the species of same population gets isolated that results in lack of gene flow.
- From the isolated population, new species are formed then it is known as the peripatric speciation.
- All these isolation of populations and formation of new species depends upon the initial or original group of species that was dispersed.
Charles Darwin came up with the theory of evolution.
The correct option is RESILIENT.
The Alaskan forest usually undergo fire incident every year in order to enhance nutrient cycling of the ecosystem. Alaskan spruce is one of the plant find in the Alaskan forests and it is a very resilient plant, in that, when it is destroy by fire incident, it quickly grow back.