At the top of each page are two large boldface words separated by a dot. These are called guide words. They show the alphabetical range of the entries on that page, and you can use them to help you find a word quickly.
First of all, it's important to understand what an unexpected expense is – and what it's not. There are some bills you don't have to pay every month, but these still don't count as unexpected. ... Quarterly property taxes or water/sewer bills. An auto insurance premium that comes due every six months.
The author writes with great scientific detail.
Simon Singh's "The Code Book" presents a detailed account of the history of cryptography through the tracing of its evolution and how secrecy came to be. The idea of a secret code for messages is what intrigues everyone and thus, this book delves into the how of such coded messages.
As seen in the given excerpt, the author Simon Singh states how scientific details such as <em>"p and q"</em> and the factoring of <em>"the public key, N"</em> are all processes to learn about Alice's private key. The inclusion of details such as <em>"check[ing] each prime number one at a time to see if it divides into N"</em> are all scientific approaches that will lead to the understanding of the private key.
Thus, the correct answer is the last or fourth option.
I think the theme is the importance of listening to your parents. When Randall went on his first solo hike he instantly regretted not paying attention when "his father taught the family to read the position of the sun" and "forgetting the whistle his mother stressed he always bring." Randall suffers the consequences of his disobedience as he struggles to find his way back to his parents. He was frightened, alone, and lost. Randall nearly gave up but thankfully he remembered one tip his father had told him: "If you're ever lost, find a river and follow it." This proves that even the slightest bit of advice from our parents could help us eventually. He utilizes his father's tip and finds himself at a river bank. His hope is restored when he noticed the eagle that rose from the water is the same one that is nested above his camp. Randall follows the eagle and finally returns back to his parents. Without his father's tip he had remembered Randall would've been lost for a while. Sometimes disregarding our parents words can lead to a similar situation such as Randall's. Our parents have plenty of knowledge in different aspects of life and "The Nest" is an excellent example of what could transpire when we disobey our parents.
hope this helps^^