The correct answer is C - res publica.
The res publica were a class of people which we would today consider to have been the early aristocrats of Early Rome. Later on, the class of wealthy romans and those who had power were called the patricians.
Leading a rebellion against Ottoman rule in Greece
Every five enslaved persons would count as three free persons.
The Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay colony hoped to purify the Church of England and then return to Europe with a new and improved religion. These Puritans were more initially successful than other colonies. For example, they brought enough supplies from the outset, they arrived in the springtime instead of the winter, and they had good leadership. The local government and the church were very closely related, and only church members could vote for the General Court even though everyone was required to pay taxes. Old Testament law became the law of the community. Even though they left England to pursue religious freedom, the Massachusetts Bay Puritans were known for their religious intolerance and general suspicion of democracy. They generally felt that the common people were incapable of governing themselves.
Jefferson Davis was elected president of the Confederate States of America and served as president for the duration of the Civil War. Prior to his presidency, Davis had served as a US Senator until tensions over the issue of slavery reached a fever pitch.