Due to the fact a massive oil well had been discovered there, which lead to Spindletop and other oil companies coming to drill for the valuable oil.
Oil at the time was quite valuable due to it's many purposes, hence, once oil was discovered, many prospectors and companies came to get rich off the oil. Those who were looking for work could also get jobs on the rigs positioned there.
The Patriots were those that fought for liberty and independence; Loyalists were those that stayed loyal to Britain. The Sons of Liberty were a group against Britain and British taxes; they were the ones responsible for the British Tea Party, the dumping of British tea into Boston Harbor.
After the Indian Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, the British government assumed full control, dissolving the trading company. Imperial rule destroyed India's local hand loom industry to fund its own industrialization.
The First Amendment allows Americans to have basic freedoms, including speech, press, and assembly. Without these freedoms, we would not be able to live life as we do today. These freedoms enable us to express our opinions freely.
A. He Balanced the national budget
C. He supported welfare reform bill