It means She is married to Marseille
What logical relationships are expressed in the
next sentences ?
Note the logical links used.
1. He played so well that the audience stood up to
applaud him. - 2. All the boats went out to sea
as a storm is announced. - 3. Although the summer
either already there, the temperature remains cool. - 4. Trees
are so thick that the forest is impenetrable. -
5. The walkers rush back in fear
to be surprised by the rain. - 6. Despite the snow and
ice, he had to take the road. - 7. Given the
results obtained, we will not be able to continue
long time.
and of
where the
5 the
where I
Explanation: I have no clue what this is but that's English for you.
Filtre. (gramatică) Un determinant folosit pentru a demonstra identitatea lucrului la care face referire următorul substantiv; în engleză, acestea includ asta, acestea, acelea și acelea.
dureté et brutalité
méfait et crime
loyauté et honnêteté..?
bonté et gentillesse
reconnaissance et gratitude
tromperie et fourberie
vol et Iarcin
malveillant et haineux
verbe écrit correctement au conditionnel
20- il pourrait <em>(pouvoir)</em>
21- vous achèteriez <em>(acheter)</em>
22- ils auraient <em>(avoir)</em>
23- on irait <em>(aller)</em>
24- nous aurions <em>(avoir)</em>
25- tu serais <em>(être)</em>
quelle phrase est correcte ?
26- S'ils avaient de l'argent, ils voyageraient.
27- Nous irions à Madagascar en vacances tous les ans si nous le pouvions.
28- Tournez à gauche !
Hope this helps ☺☺☺