Some of the things include- High GPA (of course); taking honors classes; volunteer work/jobs; taking important extra curricular activities like Scholars Bowl, NHS, JROTC; and keeping a clean record and attendance
Volunteer hours/ community service. Taking AP and Honors classes, joining as much clubs as possible (Leo, DECA, Best Buddies, etc.), if you are in a music program that helps, see if your school offers school services like distributing teacher mail/ cleaning classrooms alongside janitors/ scanning IDs for lunch/ maybe even putting back returned book on the shelves in your schools library. Just try to do as many activities you can but yet don't spread yourself too thin. Know what your limits are and try not to let your grades slip. Try for valedictorian. There's online essays you can submit for a $1500 cash grant (shown to me by my college English teacher). Also certain colleges if your race is a minority for their schools population see if they offer scholarships for that. I know this is a lot to read but I hope this helps ! :)))
Actually, it takes more commitment from society to accept immigrants as fellow humans who are seeking a better and safer place to live and create a life for themselves and family. It's the Americans who need to help immigrants feel American.