The main characters represent different branches of the church. On the island of the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver encounters vile creatures known as Yahoos. Swift uses these creatures to satirize the evils of human virtue. These repulsive creatures are enslaved by horses, which ironically symbolize the ideals of humanity. Swift dehumanizes the human race by amplifying the cruelty and corruption that were characteristic of his society.
Answer: a
Explanation: tuck the test
2 similes: John runs fast as lightning, My little sister works as slow as a turtle
2 metaphors: You are my guardian angel, The kids at school are all brains
Today I am feeling fresh as a daisy
John runs fast as lightning
My friend is as stubborn as a mule
My little sister works as slow as a turtle
Without my glasses, I am as blind as a bat
Your friend is just a big baby
You are my guardian angel
His students are puppets on a string
I wish you weren't always a chicken
The kids at school are all brains
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I helped a old lady with her stalled car then I checked the battery cable