Do not play tricks on your neighbors unless you can stand the same treatment yourself. If you can stand tricks being played on you then go right ahead and play tricks on your neighbors. If not then I would just keep a mutal friendship with them. I would not want tricks played on me if they are very big and bad tricks but if they are small and not to messy then i would like it but otherwise no.
Students must understand that there is no single theme to any piece of literature. The more complex the literature, the more possible themes there are. Authors will help students read between the lines for the theme, either through motifs or dominant ideas that are repeated throughout the story. You have to understand the basics of the characterization, plot and other literary elements that are included in the story that you are reading.
And last, this would cause a great deal of air pollution. Trees are the ones that are helping taking in our carbon dioxide, and now we're releasing even more into the air now. In the end, fires may cause a catastrophic ecosystem.
Answer:It creates a disdainful and biting tone that helps indicate how much pope dislikes convoluted poetry.
I was sixteen with no car, so I walked all over Chicago that’s the answer