The left and right index finger
Left index finger: R, T, F, G, C, V
Right index finger: Y, U, H, J, B, N
I couldn't find options to this question online but I will give you an explanation so you can choose the correct answer.
The term multimedia refers to something that uses multiple media simultaneously when transmitting information.
Examples of this can be:
- photographs
- sounds
- text
- video
Multimedia frames the objects and systems that use multiple physical or digital media to transmit content. It also refers to the media that store and disseminate these types of content.
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Credible websites usually end in the domain name .org or .edu
The command is Export-NpsConfiguration
An admin can export the entire NPS configuration from one NPS for import to another NPS. Standard precautions should be taken when exporting NPS configurations over the network. The command syntax that can be used for exporting the NPS configurations is Export-NpsConfiguration –Path <filename>