- The figures waiting in front of the billboard.
As per the question, the component of 'figures presented at the front of the billboard regarding the flood victims' would be suitable to the conviction of decisive movement propagated by Cartier-Bresson. These figures represented on the billboard most likely display Cartier's decisive moment.
In his book, Cartier gave a new dimension to his photojournalism and displayed different images in his books that highlighted the transient and voluntary events where the image gives a key idea about the entire event. He says such moments require 'knowledge' and 'intuition' to be captured precisely after observing closely.
The conclusion that can be drawn is that mothers must be valued because they are the ones that make “corn, beans and squash” grow, as well as “tobacco to give thanks at the ceremony”. That is to say that from the mothers all the main thing is born to live, which are the plants, hence the general of life. People need plants to survive.
I believe it helped ensure, Indian Independence.
A mixed economy permits private participation in production, which in return allows healthy competition that can result in profit.
President Harry S. Truman
I looked it up :)