1. To 2. In 3. In with 4. During 5. Away 6. Towards 7. With 8. At 9. To 10. On 11. Note: all can be substituted so let me know if there is an answer box with words you should use and I can fix it
His good sense of humor was transferred <u>to</u> his son.
My granny was bad at English, but she was fluent <u>in</u> French.
He fell <u>in</u> love <u>with</u> Ann the very moment he saw her.
She used to make funny dolls <u>in</u> her free time.
I'll throw <u>away</u> that jumper if you don't stop wearing it all the time!
You better devote more time <u>towards</u> your children. They always lack your attention.
She hadn't told me she was getting married that's why I was angry <u>at</u> her.
He can't be at home. I'm sure he is <u>at</u> work.
His family moved <u>to</u> Paris when he was a little child.
No one helped her. She did the whole house <u>on</u> her own.
Side note: Some of these prepositions can be substituted out for others. If you have a list that you are supposed to be using, comment it below and I can help substitute them!