Jimmy and Frank are <u>best friends</u>. They first met in second grade, and they have <u>grown</u> up together. These two have had <u>a lot</u> of adventures over the years. They once got lost on a fishing trip and ended up wandering in the woods for two days, they were rescued by a park ranger. That was <u> definitely</u> a trip they would never forget. Another time, Jimmy climbed a tree to get the <u>neighbor's</u> cat, and he got stuck. With no way to get down. He <u>knew</u> he was in trouble when the <u>weather</u> suddenly grew wicked, and he found himself caught in a <u>lightning</u> storm. Frank herd Jimmy yelling for help, and he was able to get a ladder and rescue him. Jimmy is glad that him and Frank are friends. <u>There</u> never seems to be a dull moment when there together. There adventures keep things interesting.
After I spend time laughing with my close friends, I feel better about my participation in school and even in sports.
1. Paul vs. His parents
2. Paul is not allowed to sit at his father table.
3. Paul will have to figure out where he fits in.
I just did it. :)
As his mother was a woman of humble birth, therefore he was not entitled to the crown. He did not in inherit the red hair. His hair was black, therefore he was called Black Michael