1. El camarero se los trae
2. El camarero nos lo trae
3. El camarero os lo trae
4. El camarero te lo trae
5. El camarero te lo trae
Second part
1. Voy a llevarles/ se los voy a llevar
2. Estoy sirviéndoles/ se los estoy sirviendo
3. Voy a dárselas/ se las voy a dar
4. Estoy preparándoles/ se las voy a preparar
5.Voy a traerles/ se lo estoy trayendo
I would say it was the Western Hemisphere if I remember correctly. I'm sorry if i'm incorrect it's been awhile. (:
It would be "ponga". "No ponga el dinero en el bolsillo"
According to this passage, what scenario would it be?
in violation of the CWA?
The answer is false. It is in the Islamic culture that water symbolizes the purification of the body and the mistress. For muslims, water is a primary symbol of life, fertility and creation. In social and religious terms, water is purifying for muslims. All of the above is due to the fact that in the region where this religion is practiced, water is scarce, so that believers give great value to this element.