French Chemist, Louis Pasteur, and he made the vaccine for cowpox
People were sad and angry with the dust bowl because many families lost their homes and the prices for their crops fell below subsistence levels.
The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence.
Chief Justice Marshall
In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice Marshall ruled in a way that established the doctrine of judicial review.
Initially, other rulers in Europe were somewhat pleased that the Bourbon monarchy in France was being reduced in power by the effort to make it a constitutional monarchy. But as the French Revolution proceeded, other ruling houses and nobles in Europe felt the threat that such revolutionary fervor could pose to their own positions, and were ready to fight to stamp out the Revolution. Revolutionary France went to war against those other nations, and when Napoleon took over power in France, he continued those wars and won conquests. Napoleon brought the Civil Code that contained some of the basic ideals of the Revolution to other territories that his empire controlled. Even after Napoleon was defeated, the ideas of liberalism that the French Revolution had unleashed remained as a powerful force, and the 19th century would see a recurring series of revolutionary movements across Europe.