A good leader would help if you needed it a toxic leader would leave you to fall. Is that what you mean??
B. Allen would need to resign the forms.
Answer: later curfew, younger driving age, younger drinking age.....
speaking from a teen myself and having very strict parents I still have a bed time like a little child has, and my sisters have a curfew and they are way more responsible than me, the driving age I wish was so much younger coz I can't wait to start driving, and make a teen wait till their 16 or 17 just to get their license is just BS and last but not least the drinking age.... other parts of the world get to drink as long as they can reach the counter, so I hope I can help you out with your essay, and if I do just let me know if I did, good luck!!!
Answer: A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself, or that must be both true and untrue at the same time. ... But a key part of paradoxes is that they at least sound reasonable. They're not obvious nonsense, and it's only upon consideration that we realize their self-defeating logic. For example: This statement is a lie.