I think he meant “sun*” not sure though
The writing sample in the given paragraph-formal English
Formal English is a type of English communication in which the way of communication is mostly used in business communication or in a professional setup. Where the vocabulary will be changed based on the level of professionalism or based on the formality.
General English is a type of English which is used on a day to day basis y everyone who can communicate in English, still maintaining the vocabulary aspect.
Informal English is the type of English in which words such as “wanna”,”gonna” are used and this type is mostly used while you’re communicating with someone who is not a professional or who’s your friend.
Non Standard English is used when there’s a specific purpose for writing it.
This quarantine sucks as much as wheat thins.
This quarantine has made me feel like a carrot.
Sometimes i paint myself orange, go in my backyard and bury myself in dirt and pretend i’m a carrot.
I want to die as much as hannah baker did when they called her thick.
Quarantine sucks as much as a vaccuum.
He says that things that happened in the Holocaust should not be forgotten and that forgetting is a terrible crime.