Monosaccharides, since it has saccharides which is starch, & mono is 1.
Hope this helped! :D
cAMP in the cytoplasm
Many cAMP can be generated as a second messenger to amplify the signal in response to hormone binding.
You need to know that the various antibiotic drugs are not all equally effective in controlling the bacteriagrowth. Take for example the Staphylococcus aureus. Different antibiotic drugs can have different effects. The most effective antibiotic drug against that bacteria is Penicillin, because it controlled the growth of the bacteria the most. A second example is the Streptococcus penumoniae. With that bacetria the antibiotic drug that was the most effective was the Erythromycin. A third example is Hemophilus influenza. With this one the Erythromycin antibiotic drug is also the most effective. Have in mind that the smaller the diameter correlates with the effectiveness of controlling the bacterial growth. Some of the bacteria growth was stopped by antibiotic drugs, and some weren’t.
Synapse plasticity
The ability of a given synapse to strengthen or weaken over time is known as synapse plasticity. The strengthening or weakening is in direct relation to the amount and way the synapse is used. The more frequently and vigorously a synapse is involved in activities, the more it will strengthen, just as in the case of muscles. This mechanism is important in learning and also lays the foundation of memory in the brain.