Answer: Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees C, while in Fahrenheit, water freezes at 32 degrees F and boils at 212 degrees F.
I hope this helps :)
One more try
Killer / Papa Was A Rolling'Stone
I Belive (When I Fall In Love It will Be Forever)
Father Figure
Freedom '90
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me
I Want Your Sex
Praying for Time
Faith - Best George Michael Song
Gonna need some more information
Rococo architecture emphasizes grace, ornamentation and asymmetry; Neoclassical architecture is based on the principles of simplicity and symmetry, which were seen as virtues of the arts of Rome and Ancient Greece, and were more immediately drawn from 16th-century Renaissance Classicism. Each "neo"-classicism selects some models among the range of possible classics that are available to it, and ignores others.