I most contexts, no. It can be considered an error if viewed from a programmer's perspective, because a bug is viewed as an error in the code of a program. If it is not viewed from a similar perspective, then it is not a synonym. Thesaurus.com can be a helpful place for you.
What name are you referring too?
That or is the key word. Either one works providing learning takes place. Much depends on the student. If left on his/her own, will they sit and learn the material or will they waste time by wining how difficult the material is or how much they need to finish applying nail polish or day dream about tonight's date.
Having established that the student is capable of learning and wants to and has a goal, for that kind of person, no choice need be made. Either will work. If the student has curiosity, then perhaps home schooling is best. That student can be left to pursue his own interests.
If the student is goal orientated, like he/she wants to be an engineer, then the classroom is the best setting, because only specific pieces of knowledge may be needed.
I was a classroom teacher for 43 years. It doesn't take much to persuade me which choice should be made: everything depends on the student and what is best for them.
figurative words and phrases
unfamiliar or outdated words
and unusual syntax