The climates in Colombia are characterized for having tropical rain forests, savannas, steppes, deserts and mountain climate, mountain climate further divided into tierra caliente (hot land) tierra templada (temperate land) tierra fría (cold land), tierra helada (frozen land) and Páramo
Survival is the act of living through something life threatening. example: defending yourself against a robber and winning.
The answers is FULL OF.
In linguistics, a suffix is a morpheme added to the end of a word to form a derivate.
In this case, the suffix -ous means "having the quality of" or "being full of a certain quality". In other words, virtuous means full of virtue.
He incorporates it to reflect a blues musical timing.
A signature of Hughes's poetic style is his meter. It reflects the rhythms of Harlem's jazz and blues during his time period, as well as black folk rhythms. Hughes's poetry is reflective of the African American culture in, not only its content, but also its rhythms.
The other two options are simply incorrect. He did not writing jingles for depression medication has nothing to do with how he incorporates meter. While the first does indicate the blues sound, it's not completely correct.