Elie Wiesel uncovers and explores three distinct themes in his memoir Night: one's spiritual journey, dehumanization, and relationships between friends and family.
can you show me what line this phrase is used in?
without this, my closest guess would be A but again please send context
Well it depende on what tour future will be about But you could put something like you working or being famouse etc
Imight be _____in the future because i wil________ and ______ and i may even _____ etc
Most likely foreshadowing
Foreshadowing is a literary device used to give an indication or hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing is useful for creating suspense, a feeling of unease, a sense of curiosity, or a mark that things may not be as they seem.
~ Sending you good vibes and good luck! ~ - Mochi
For the answer to the question above, Miley had a mare that the boys liked to call the "fifteen-minute nag." She seemed really old and slow, and she had asthma. She’d get a head start, then amble along until the end of the race, when she’d suddenly start bolting ahead like crazy, wheezing, until she would win, but barely.