1. Sr. y Sra. Uribe C. Uds.
2. Jaime A. tú
3. Juan y Marta D. Uds./vosotros
4. Srta. Vázquez B. Ud.
5. Teresa y Raquel E. Uds./vosotras
Señora y Señora Uribe - as we have the title before the name, it is clear that we will utilize <em>Ustedes.</em>
Jaime - there is just his name, so we suppose that it is an informal situation. We can <em>tutear</em>.
Juan y Marta - Here, depending on the exact context and our relationship with these two people, we would use <em>Ustedes</em> (more formal) or <em>vosotros</em> (informal).
Señorita Vázquez - the title <em>señorita</em> implies that we will be formal and use <em>Usted.</em>
Teresa y Raquel - the same as in the example with Juan and Marta, depending on the exact context and our relationship with these two people, we would use <em>Ustedes</em> (more formal) or <em>vosotras</em> (informal).