Complex, I could be wrong
Hey Unc,
It’s really nice here, it’s cold, beautiful and there are SEALS!! They are so cute... they bop up to my sliding door, and then they leave as quickly as they arrived... I built a snowman outside, I named him after your lizard, Jacque, we also had snow cones. They were great! We just have to step outside, grab some snow and BOOM!! Snow cones, I went to the city last week, it was sooooo... cool! But freezing cold hehe... welp! Bye bye Uncy
Yours sincerely, Doopy :p
This could be caused by one of three things: (1) Your tree is growing more leaves than it can support, (2) pests and diseases infect the leaves, or (3) your tree might be getting too much or too little water.
According to a different source, this unit includes the stories "I Want to be Miss America" by J.ulia Alvarez and "About Russell" by Rita Williams-Garcia.
<u>"I Want to Be Miss America" by Ju.lia Alvarez:</u> Be happy with who you are.
In this story, the sisters are unhappy with the way they look, as they do not look like the models they see in beauty pageants. As they get older, even when the sisters are called beautiful, their self-esteem remains damaged. This shows the importance of accepting who you are.
<u>"About Russell" by Rita Williams-Garcia:</u> Illnesses affect people, but does not change who they are inside.
In this story, we learn about Russell, and about the difficulties he faced throughout his life due to mental illness. However, the author shows that, even though his illness affected Russell in many ways, he always remained the same person at heart, including being a loving brother.