It has expanded by women and minorities can do a lot more things tat they couldn’t do in the past.
Russia mobilizing its forces on Germany's eastern borders was the event that made Germany declare war on the allies.
- The killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by the serbian nationalist Gavrilo princip was the trigger that started world war.
- The alliance system was an important factor that caused world war 1 as, any countries who were in alliance had to help the other country if a war broke out.
- In World War I, two major alliances faced each other.
- The two major alliances that fought for the power of Europe were : Allied power that includes Russia, Britain and France and the Central Powers(Germany, Austria-Hungary).
By the time he left office in August 1857 to represent the territory in Congress, Stevens had "negotiated ten treaties providing for the quieting of Indian title to some hundred thousand square miles of land."
federal courts Part of the judicial branch of the United States government.
state courts Part of the judicial branch of the relevant state.